What is the challenge? We do initial estimates for epics using time units, so that we can place those epics on the roadmap in Roadmaps workspaces using those estimates. Once epics are broken down into stories and they are assigned to a team, we wa...
Cross-workspace Initiative ranking using a rank priority view
What is the challenge? It is not possible to use the rank priority view for cross-workspace initiative ranking. What is the impact? We are unable to effectively use the rank priority view for our planning needs. Describe your idea We would like to...
Calculate initial estimate from estimates on child Features
What is the challenge? Initial estimate for large capabilities (Epics) does not calculate based on estimates of child Features What is the impact? Confusion by engineering on the level of confidence expected for roadmap-level estimates Manually ad...
Capacity for teams is currently available to set up at a 'global' level - number of hours per day per week. It would be helpful for teams that are planning releases with multiple teams, to be able to set a capacity for each team per release. Once ...
Allow a product manager to create multiple scenarios of product roadmap to help decision process of what to build when as priorities change
Despite best laid plans a product manager is often challenged by changing priorities that demand scenario planning to create what-if scenarios before deciding which plan is the most optimal. Today, we export the current roadmap to Excel for manipu...
about 7 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Many teams (typically at larger organisations) want to determine how their longer term strategic roadmap (3-5 years) will be impacted if they make adjustments to people, dates, funding or other assumptions using 'What if' analysis. This analysis c...
Capacity planning: make advanced estimate values available for equations and filters
For a variety of reasons I would like to be able to perform calculations in custom worksheets on data included in an advanced estimate. For example, being able to reference the totals for a team, and the totals for a given period when a scenario i...
Jeanette Resnikoff
almost 3 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Enable daily capacity allocation when records have a mix of initial advanced estimates and detailed estimates
As work is done on a record, the detailed estimate field can be used to update the remaining work. Currently, when there is a mixture of initial advanced and detailed estimates, the daily capacity allocation for the team doesn't account for the de...
Support CSV import to associate users with a capacity team
What is the challenge? It is possible to import capacity teams using CSV import, but it is not possible to import users and virtual users associated with the teams. This requires a lot of effort to manually associate users with a capacity team man...
Max Robbins
5 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
It would be valuable to configure the capacity planning view so that work items that are blocking another one are allocated first on the timeline for a team or team member.
Nicolas Andrillon
5 months ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration