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Status Future consideration
Categories Voting
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 31, 2018

Disable voting for ideas in specific statuses

We would like a way to stop users from being able to vote based on a specific status (e.g. Will Not Implement). This is similar to another idea found here however, the difference is that we are not using this portal as an FAQ: rather we want to communicate "we can't do it, so we don't want people to vote for it"

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  • Guest
    Dec 29, 2021

    We would like to keep all ideas visible to the team so we (hopefully) do not get a repeat idea. However if the status is "Already exists" or "Will not do" we do not want the team to vote on it. I can also see disabling voting for ideas that are already being implemented, in this case they have the desired amount of votes to move to the next stage.

  • Guest
    Mar 3, 2020

    With 600+ idea count and growing, I want to narrow down the attention of my community on ideas I am actively seeking input for. Turning off voting is just one of the ways that can help me channel voters interest towards submissions that need more input. Ultimately I would also want to disable commenting, and/or allow filtering out "inactive" ideas, but turning off voting would be helpful too.

  • Guest
    Jun 4, 2019

    I would like to see disable voting for certain statuses. It sounds like everyone has different use cases. I am particularly interested in disabling voting once an idea is promoted to a feature and marked as In Progress. 

  • Guest
    Jan 14, 2019

    We would like to do this for Ideas that we have flagged as Available.  We still want users to be able to vote on Will Not Implement, as we still want to gather feedback on the requested functionality, but once a feature is available in our product there is no reason to continue to collect votes.

  • +2

Close the ability for users to VOTE on Ideas that have been released

I would like to configure my statuses to allow or disallow voting. Once an idea is 'Released', there is no value in continuing to allow votes. In fact, I would venture to say the user did not realize it had been released and voted anyway. The valu...
David Jensen over 2 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration