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Features Roadmap - Move release date through UI element

Currently in the features roadmap, there is a dot on the timeline to show release date. Similar to other roadmaps, I would like to drag this dot to change the release instead of having to click into the release and change the date. \

    Jun 28, 2018

    Thank you for your idea. The features roadmap is designed to provide a feature-level view of what is planned. As noted, many Aha! views are interactive. For example, the releases roadmap is built specifically to help with tracking and adjusting release plans.

    Based on current priorities and customer feedback we are unlikely to make changes here. We would recommend using one of the more interactive views as an alternative. We hope you understand.

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    • Kevin Capel
      Mar 19, 2021

      Thank you!

      This view is a bit better in accomplishing these goals, however, the UX prevents me from using it. I need to see the name of the epic on the bar - I have 40+ epics and looking to match it up to the left column is disorienting. I still need the ability to show epic meta data (like team).

      Is there a way to remove release phases?

    • Admin
      Austin Merritt
      Mar 19, 2021

      Hi Kevin, I would suggest checking out the Gantt chart. There is both a releases and epics view that should help you accomplish much of what you have noted here.

    • Kevin Capel
      Mar 18, 2021

      The more interactive views fall short here. Perhaps I am unable to find these features, but the following are essential in building my roadmap:

      • Grouping epics by release (grouping them in a "box" takes up too much space - i would like a more compact view - 30+ epics makes this view unmanageable)

      • Sort epics by start date

      • Sort releases by start date

      • View release and epic meta data directly on the roadmap (without clicking in) - for us, that's the team that's going to be doing the work and whether design has been completed.

      • Dragging release bars to change release dates, ideally "snapping" to a certain set of pre-defined dates - these dates are tweaked all the time by sprint

      The basic roadmap interactive views simply do not give me enough flexibility to generate a useful roadmap