In the process of defining features, I create mockups and attach other files supporting the feature. Later, I'll break down the feature into product backlog items and I use requirements for that. It would be so awesome if there was a way to move attachments around, like from feature to requirement. The work around is rather cumbersome, requiring duplication of files.
Thank you for the idea. The Mockups feature has been replaced by whiteboards, so you could now embed whiteboards into a feature description, and then copy and paste it into a requirement, if needed. We hope that helps!
Agreed and not just mocups and in several other places. All attachments should be able to move, copy or link to another item or field.
Example we have users that adds attachments in comments in ideas and we would like to move these attachments to descprition so when idea is promoted to Feature, Master Feature or Iniative etc, these attachments could follow without manual download / upload process.
Other example is that we do planning/mocups before we have iniative, Master Feature or Feature. This is most times done in notebooks, when this goes further all these attachments would be neccessary to move, copy or link to Iniative, Master Feature or Feature
Agreed! We often have documents/files in our ideas that are NEEDED for reference in our features. It would be great if, while promoting the idea, I could choose which files to carry forward to the feature. For example, we might have a SOW with payment milestones in an idea. It's important to have that reference in the feature for the assigned scrum team so that they can make sure they are developing on track or the correct features to hit the milestones.