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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Application
Created by Eva Humphrey
Created on Nov 13, 2014


It would be really nice if I could generally "undo" a change made to a release plan or an accidentally deleted feature etc. rather than having to redo work if I just unintentionally hit the delete button. The auto-save function is nice but no ability to go back is a little unfortunate.

    Jan 22, 2016

    There are currently a few ways that  this can be supported through the product.

    In all text editors, a CTRL-Z action is available to "undo" any actions within text editors. There is also a "history" icon available which allows you to see the history of a text description and revert back to any version in the history. 

    Throughout the application on various "delete" actions, we also provide a follow up prompt to confirm whether the delete was desired.

    For all other actions, we do not currently have plans for an "undo" button but feel that other areas can be typically be reverted back. Based on the current workarounds noted above, along with current priorities, we are unlikely to make changes in the near term. We hope you can understand.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jul 7, 2024

    So l had a limed addition hat and when I tried to take it off it didn’t move so I put another one on and it just disappeared so l really want it back it was a black,purple,and white bunny hat I got it from the hat shop for 5 days.

  • Guest
    Feb 12, 2020

    Somehow deleted final published draft of a custom roadmap today on accident. It was right next to an earlier draft I had meant to remove... there was a delay in the server response and I must have somehow sent extra clicks through. Couldn't undo. Ugh...

  • Sheila Butler
    Jan 30, 2020

    Please, please, please, reconsider this, people make mistakes, we are just humans and honestly it is expected to have a way to recover something that was deleted by mistake. Most application allows it. It would be super beneficial...

  • Guest
    Aug 16, 2018


  • John Paul Grippa
    Dec 19, 2017

    Seriously, undo would be extremely beneficial and time saving. It is very easy to accidentally click out of a line and auto-save incomplete or incorrect requirements or features. It is also a nuisance when you spend a lot of time working on a requirement, then accidently click another feature before saving the requirement. This results in loss of all of your work with no history to go back to.

  • Guest
    Aug 31, 2017

    I just moved a feature when my mouse got stuck, took 20 mins to work out which one it was.

  • Paul Mundy
    Apr 11, 2017

    To add to this, being able to add/delete and "do" things in real time is now always great do being able to revert is always useful, but simpler to say than to implement I guess...

  • Paul Mundy
    Apr 11, 2017

    As a new user this morning I deleted a field that I didn't think was on my persona. It was, data gone.

    Having some kind undo, or at least a back up save option would be good so you can always go back to a known point. Sure, that may mean adding back data which can be just as bad, but in terms of storage space not a major ask surely?

  • Logan Rowe
    Jan 25, 2017

    Please add this feature or give me the option to disable auto-save.

  • Guest
    Dec 5, 2016

    Just discovered four extensive use cases have disappeared from a feature card.  Not sure who deleted them... having a "Recover" feature sure would be nice right now!

  • Guest
    Nov 18, 2016

    I just wanted to change a phase in the road map an missed it by a millimeter and clicked on remove from chart and no way back!

  • David Kosakowski
    Oct 17, 2016

    I agree! I just lost a feature with lots of requirements by using the Actions button (which I thought was just for the selected requirement). What app doesn't have global Undo?

  • Guest
    Oct 17, 2016

    I accidentally moved the Releases roadmap dates and don't know what the original dates were. Without an undo, I'm stuck guessing.  Unfortunate I can't simply have an undo. Btw, undo is standard practice in most software. It should really be par for the course.

  • Rob Clarke
    Feb 11, 2016

    I have also just fallen into this situation and accidentally lost a ton of 'requirements' by accidentally deleting the entire 'feature' by using the wrong 'Actions' button. Learning by doing i guess, but a 'recover' option would be fantastic! Upvote!


Recovering a deleted idea OR Controlling the idea delete action

It would be helpful to either have a 'trash bin' for people who deleted an idea by mistake so it could be recovered OR Have a specific access control to the delete action, so only one person in the organization would be able to delete an idea.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to undo an action

In our enterprise we have multiple Aha products. As a user if I mistakenly assign a feature to a product that I don't have contributor rights to, I cannot take back the feature nor can I correct my mistake because Aha updates the feature when I mo...
Michael Weldert almost 7 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Add redo/undo button in text boxes

Too many times users are editing text in a box and delete part of the comment by mistake while editing the text box. An undo/redo button in the text editor would be super useful!
Guest about 10 years ago in Application 0 Unlikely to implement