We would love to allow our users to login with Google. We keep some important things in here and for the price we pay we treat it like an enterprise tool. I get a lot of flack for not being able to roll permissions into a identity management strategy (aka, if people leave I need to manually update a system!). Please help?
You can now use Google as a single-sign-on provider with Aha!
Read more about how to configure it here: https://www.aha.io/support/roadmaps/account/single-sign-on/configure-aha-sso-g-suite-google-cloud
There should be some clarification on this that Google SSO only works for the Aha Dashboard login. It does not work for Ideas portals, which makes no sense to me. If the integration is there, just extend it to Ideas Portals as well.
Will this be available for the idea portal?
My company, like many startups, uses Google to power email and other office apps. We all use "Log in using Google" for JIRA, Expensify, Freshdesk, and other things. Aha! is unlikely to get much traction at my company if people have to remember another set of authentication credentials.