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Map Aha! products to Jira components

Allow the mapping of Products in Aha! to Component/s in Jira. 

In order to automatically assign Aha! items pushed over to Jira to the right component, I've had to create a custom field in aha! with a pick-list of the component names from Jira. I can map that custom field to to the Component/s field in Jira, and it'll be automatically put in the right place. But, that means I have to set it in Aha. I can do that manually, or with a bulk edit, of course. But it'd be a lot easier and safer to just be able to choose a mapping of Aha Product to Jira Component and be done with it. 

Or, and this is a totally different idea, provide a programmatic way to set custom fields in Aha based on configurable criteria.

This may be a too-specific use case, and I'm open to alternatives or a broader Idea scope.

    Sep 13, 2019

    The status of this idea was out of date. As noted in the comments this is now possible by mapping a constant value from Aha! to the Jira component field. This article provides more details about setting up integration field mappings.

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    • Max Cascone
      Jan 12, 2018

      In 2.0 this has problem changed form, in that now that it will listen to new items from Jira, there's no way to filter them to the right product. This has confused things quite a bit.

    • Max Cascone
      Jan 4, 2018

      This appears to be resolved with the 2.0 integration. I set a Constant field to the component name and map it. (the only issue is that i can't change the constant value in a templated integration... see

      @Nikki, you should now be able to link anything in the 2.0 integration.

    • Nikki De Micco
      Dec 18, 2017

      For us, we want the ability to map initiatives to component in JIRA.