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Allow people to request access to Idea Portals

For private idea portals, it would be great if people could request access to the site for approval by the owners. This would be great for communities where people have diverse and common email domains and ease in the promotion and management of these portals.

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    • Jolie Ricco
      Dec 19, 2024

      Piggy backing of this idea - We are looking to leverage the private idea portal for our customers, as opposed to strictly having it as an "internal" portal. The rational - We want a share live roadmap updates with our customer, but not allow for competitors to have visibility into our roadmap too.

      With the current architecture that means we are limited to either:

      1. Treating customers like "employees" on the portal [Not preferable solution as it requires entering and maintaining hundreds of email domains, which I am not certain the portal can support. Additionally, it does not allow to have those users automatically tied to their organization.

      2. Limiting portal users to those we explicitly search out and add. [Also not preferable as would most likely be limited to the system "owners" who sign the contract as opposed to the end users who interact with our product and genuinely have feedback. It also necessitates]

      3. Building outside of Aha an Idea Portal request access mechanism [Also not preferable as it adds additional management overhead outside of Aha.]

      When I think requesting access - I think similar to SharePoint. If you do not have access to a SharePoint link, it allows you a mechanism (if configured for it) to request access from the owner. Owners would receive a notification to review the request, either accepting or denying it.

    • Ankush Kumar
      Feb 28, 2024

      This is really a genuine demand to manage access of user outside of your organizations like Clients/Partners. Without an automatic access management system, I am not sure how other Aha! users are managing it currently, it will not be a good user experience for clients / partners to request for access via emails every time.

      This is super priority for us if we would want to open it to outside dedicated users world or may be in future upgrade to Ideas advanced.

    • Melba Gant
      Mar 17, 2023

      My recent Idea was merged with a 9 year old idea. Not sure if this hasn't been taken up yet because of its complexity, but this is something I would really like to see before advocating internally to upgrade to Ideas Advanced for my organization.

    • Guest
      Dec 2, 2015

      As a related but perhaps separate feature, It would also be nice to have the option to have an automatic email sent out to a designated address when a user does try to register with a non-whitelisted domain.  This way, I could put in the alias for my Product team and we would all get notified when a potential client or prospect was trying to register but was denied access.  Someone on my team could then go in and manually add the new user, then personally notify them of their new access.

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