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Automatic reminders to Idea Submitters who have Ideas "kicked back" to them

When reviewing Ideas, our team sometimes "kicks back" an Idea with the status "Needs More Information from Requester" while also including necessary comments in the Comments box.  We often have to follow up with these submitters but reviewing them can turn tedious especially when the backlog of unresponsive submitters grows.  It would be helpful to automatically send reminders to update Ideas to all users who have Ideas in kick back after a specified period of time or as a bulk action (ie. send reminder to all selected Ideas' watchers)

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    2 MERGED

    Capability to send automated reminders to idea ticket requesters

    It might be helpful/useful to look into developing the capability in Aha that when an idea ticket is set to a particular status (i.e. "Needs more information from requester") or a comment is left and directed at the requester and no action is take...
    Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration