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Visualize connections between products or product lines and custom fields and custom field layouts

There are many ways to configure the custom fields and custom field layouts for a product. They can be inherited from the product line or setup locally for the product.

It is easy to get lost and make mistakes when configuring this. A graphical view showing connections and inheritance links would make this much more transparent and easy to understand.

Showing the different objects (Theme, Master Feature, Feature, Requirement) with their custom fields will also more or less provide a data model which would be a good documentation of the setup.

    Sep 12, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. Given the low volume of support for this idea, we do not have plans to make updates in this area at this time. We have added workspace templates since this idea was added. We hope that helps with managing configuration across many workspaces!

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    • Guest
      Aug 23, 2019

      This is excellent.  I have been looking at Lucidchart and Miro as ways to diagram relationships between my features in some websites I run on one platform, and more of a challenge - between a product line I use for my actual front end/websites called "Product," and my mid-tier/infrastructure level called "Platform."  So in LucidChart, I get stuck with one big diagram for the websites, essentially a user flow/site map type diagram, and a DB-type diagram showing the Platform.  Since I can link all this with relationships in Aha, it would be great to be able to get a visual canvas where this is represented.  So say Feature "A" in one product, which is a page where I collect data that goes into four places in my Platform, could be linked to these four features.  Then, I could see on the generated diagram all these relationships and wind up with a terrific visual tool for developers, stakeholders, you name it.

      Very eagerly awaiting when you guys move this to production, glad it appears on to be on the roadmap!