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Compact Timeline for Feature Roadmap

The evenly spaced timeline in the Feature > Roadmap view can result in a lot of wasted space if releases are spread out over a long period. This makes it difficult to out put a notebook that fits the view comfortably on an 8.5 x 11 page. It would be nice to have an option where the timeline could be condensed to fit the contents below. See mockups attached.

    Oct 28, 2016

    This is actually possible today by using the green calendar icon to customize your dates and calendar resolution. This can allow you to make your roadmap fit in the space you are hoping for.

    You can read more about it here: 

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    • Guest
      Oct 5, 2017

      The admin response is not helpful in resolving this challenge.

      Add a 'scaling' feature to the calendar wizard to all the area granting to the time increment to be enlarged or shrunk (ie: let me make the month, Quarter, week blocks adjustable to meet my need.)

    • Steve Matthews
      Oct 28, 2016

      I read the blog, and tried changing the start/end dates and time intervals. This does not change the fact that a roadmap item at the left can be pointing way over to a date on the right, leaving a lot of white space between. But I accidentally discovered a partial solution. If I reduce the width of my web browser window, the timeline shrinks proportionally, so that I can make the right edge of the timeline line up with the right edge of the rightmost release/feature block. Unfortunately, when I export to PDF, the timeline fills the width of the page at the expense of adding back that useless white space.