I need to change the link on to-do items other objects. For example:
an unassigned to-do item to a feature
one feature to another feature
one feature to a goal
Ideally from any object (or unassigned) to any other object (or unassigned)
Oct 19, 2023
We recently released the ability to move to-dos. This allows you to move personal to-dos to records or move to-dos between records. This capability should solve the primary requests captured in the idea's description.
I want to be able to jot down my to dos as I think of them, then associate them later or find that I put the to do in a feature when it needs to be part of my release planning, so that when I look at whats left, I can see the association of to do by release(aka project) instead of a long list.
DAMN I am spending a lot of time doing task maintenance.
Two handy features could make this easier …
#1 Bulk copy tasks to …
I've got features that people created but they forgot to copy it from the template feature.
It would be super helpful if I could just bulk-copy all the tasks from the template feature to the target feature.
Select multiple tasks
Click to copy to
Choose a target
#2 Move task(s) to …
Sometimes I have tasks in the wrong place. Like maybe someone put them in the wrong Release Phase. I want to be able to move task(s) to some other thing (Feature, release, release phase, requirement, etc …)
Select one or multiple tasks
Click to Move to
Choose target thing
See also https://big.ideas.aha.io/ideas/APP-I-2322
In the My Profile view, I can see my list of tasks, but don't have any ability to change the record link they're associated with. Need to do this and also have bulk task management abilities otherwise a real task management tool is required.
I would like to be able to reassign To Do's from one Release phase to another release phase for an active release. Currently you need to delete the To Do and create a new To Do.
Julie Edwards
about 7 years ago
in Releases
Move To-Do's from one release phase to another
I like being able to assign "To-Do" items to specific release phases so the team can focus only on what's immediately important, however sometimes I either accidentally add an item to the wrong release phase or need to move it to another phase aft...
Eva Humphrey
over 10 years ago
in To-dos
I want to be able to jot down my to dos as I think of them, then associate them later or find that I put the to do in a feature when it needs to be part of my release planning, so that when I look at whats left, I can see the association of to do by release(aka project) instead of a long list.
Any updates on this? This ability would help our team move all task management into Aha.
I'd like to be able to move Todos from one action to another.
See also https://big.ideas.aha.io/ideas/APP-I-2322
It would be great if we could copy To Dos that go across features.
This would also be useful for notes.
We capture meeting notes in Aha w/ respective TODOs, but it would be great to carry forward incomplete TODOs to a new note.