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Ability to enter 'time logged' quicker and easier across multiple features, releases, products etc


As we are moving more towards Aha time tracking facility, would it be possible to have a quicker/simpler way to enter time. Currently the team log time in 1 hour increments and with upto 8-10 hours a day, this can be upto 8-10 feature cards that need to be opened, click on 'log time' and then enter time/date etc and then repeat again.

Is there a way we could get a 'time logging' view which sole purpose per product(s) is to enter time for each feature quickly/easily rather than open/close each feature multiple times.

This is causing time entering errors as the team find it very time intensive to locate their feature card, open it, enter time, date it, close it and move on.

Thank you heaps in advance.

    Jan 15, 2016

    As described, the time logging action is done on a per product/feature basis.

    There are 2 potential workarounds which may be helpful. Through Aha! reports, it's possible to create a saved report for easy access to features which require time to be logged. This would save time in finding features where time needs to be logged.

    Another workaround for easily finding features would be to leverage the Feature->Workflow page which shows all features by assignee.

    While we understand that this does not completely solve the issue, we hope that it can at least help. At this time, we don't have plans to make changes in this area but hope that the workarounds will be helpful. We hope you can understand.

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