If you try to clear a feature estimate and the feature is already added to the roadmap, then it fills in the value of the estimate duration automatically to reflect the start on and due on dates. This means that if you try to plan a release and the timing for when features will be worked on without assigning an estimate, you are not allowed to do so (without the estimate being re-populated to reflect the start on and due on). Sometimes, planning comes before estimation work so it would be nice to have the option to assign start on and due on dates, have those features displayed on the Gantt chart but not have the estimate automatically populated to reflect the duration between the start on and due on if you purposely cleared out/deleted the estimate.
Thank you for the idea. This is possible today using the detailed estimate field. The status of this idea was out of date. You can learn more here: https://www.aha.io/support/roadmaps/strategic-roadmaps/settings/getting-started-capacity-planning
Hi Matt, I think this is really useful. It's a better solution to an idea I posted. Can I'd like to uproot this to "I need it really soon"