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Display name of to-do assignee next to to-do name in default view

As a user, I'd like to be able to see who a To-do is assinged to without clicking on the To-do to open the full view. In this way, I can glance at a given Feature's To-Do list and see who has been assinged which tasks.

    Sep 9, 2020

    Thanks for the idea!

    Preview the improved drawer and details pages coming soon on September 30th.

    With this change, the to-do assignee(s) avatar is now displayed in the collapsed card.

    Learn more about the preview and how to enable it.

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    • Susu Adriaens
      Jan 30, 2020

      This is important for us in the Notes pages - specifically meeting notes.  There is a built in to-dos section at the bottom so we're using that for action items.  It would be nice if you could see the person it is assigned to (and maybe even the due date and status) rather than duplicating that in a separate "action items" section in the body of the notes.

    • Ron Ellenbogen
      Jun 25, 2019

      We use To-Dos for checklists for phase-gate processes in the development of complex, multi-disciplinary products, involving HW, SW and chemistry. Seeing who the assignees are on the main screen will make the management of these lists considerably easier.