When I try to add a new idea in the portal view, it suggests ideas that have already been added. This helps prevent me from entering a duplicate idea.
This feature doesn't seem to work when you add from the AHA (admin) view, so I have no idea if I'm duplicating an idea.
I just add from the portal view to get this functionality to work, but I really think it should be consistent.
Hello Aha team,
Is there any plan to expose the same “related ideas” function to the Ideas Module – new idea interface?
A version of this exists in the “merge ideas” feature also. It would be nice if this was consistent across all these features, as they are used by different user groups and helps to give visibility to existing data and avoid duplication.
Add new idea (portal) - Exists - GREAT
Merge idea (similar but searches across other portals, which makes sense for this use case but not exactly what we need)
Add new idea (ideas module) – no lookup feature – please enhance
Please let us know your thoughts and if this is something that could be easily implemented.
This seems like a no-brainer, low-hanging fruit update. The redundancy that not having this creates is troublesome and avoidable re: "guest" comment below. Please implement.
feature parity issue between backend and portal.
yes, not having this feature in the main Aha! app has resulted in a good number of duplicates that I have to manage. Users must log in to the App first to be identified as Aha! app users. Having them go over to the "Ides Portal" is too many clicks, and therefore not going to happen.