As a product management director who needs to:
1. plan and build workflows both flexible and fixed, for Goals, Initiatives, Releases, Epics, Features, and Requirements, with workspace and record differences, and Automation rules,
2. then train staff to changes,
3. train new team members to the whole enchilada ,
4. plan for and adjust dev system APIs with overlapping workflows
I need a robust visual workflow report that shows all workflows for all record types in a workspace, along with all automation rules that include status updates, including indicators for fixed/flexible, transition button names
so that I can do 1-4 with far greater efficiency and effectiveness.
I'm super thankful for all of the great enhancements the team at Aha! has added in these areas- but now- thanks to that good work, we need reports to keep it all sorted!
Would be helpful to assure that what we have configured is what we MEANT to configure.