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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-8784 Progress calculations should include dependencies.

Portfolio Initiative ‘progress bar’ calculations

Who would benefit?

We have Portfolio Products that ‘Influences federated teams’ (i.e. product workspaces) and need visibility to the planned Strategy progress in workspaces that not owned.

What impact would it make?

The Portfolio Product does not own delivery teams and therefore uses work requests to engage the delivery teams (i.e. workspaces). Note: The impacted delivery teams are not rolling up the ‘accepted’ product Initiatives to the Portfolio Product Initiatives because they are located in different product lines.

How should it work?

The Product Portfolio Strategy roadmap wants to be able to see the Portfolio Initiative ‘Progress bar’ calculate progress from the 'dependency of' Linked Product Initiatives.