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Make possible to copy individual comments or part of comment to description field to ease keeping description field updated.

Who would benefit?

It would benefit Aha users who are responsible to go trough Ideas and get more detailed understanding what to do and update description from comments

What impact would it make?

This would make more easy to keep updated original description field since often when other users are adding details this is made trough comments and actual description is not updated. It takes lot of time to manual copy and paste from different comments to get description updated at it's final version.

How should it work?

When you have any level issue (idea, Requirement, To-Do, Feature, Task, Note...) and it has comments.

There could be functionality that you could copy individual comment or part of comment to actual descrition field. Copy should be done after original data in description field and nothing should note be deleted in copy process.

After you have all data copied from comments to description you could finalize description in that field at once and this way you could keep descrition field more easily updated.

Also possible pictures, other attachments and mocups on comments should be possible to move actual description...

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