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Status Future consideration
Categories Roadmaps
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 23, 2023

Allow global initiative rank on strategic roadmaps

Who would benefit?

Product Owners, esp those with Portfolio responsibility

What impact would it make?

Improve Aha! for strategic roadmapping

How should it work?


I'm very excited by the new initiative scoring and prioritising options:

From my parent workspace, I've navigated to Strategy - Initiatives - View Type Prioritisation

I can see that I can update filters to show more than one workspace - and then prioritise across the workspaces in this view.

When I navigate to Roadmaps - and choose a prioritisation roadmap, and sort by initiative rank - the same ranking order across workspaces doesn't seem to be being applied. Instead it seems to be ordering them by an internal ranking within the workpace.

e.g. in my prioritisation view - the 1st 4x ranked initiatives are all from the parent workspace, and the first child ranked initiative is in rank 13

but in my prioritisation roadmap - they are ranked child 1st, parent 1st, child 2nd, parent 2nd etc."

I'd have thought you could also add the rank field(s) to the view directly, instead of/as well as custom fields.

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  • Guest
    Apr 17, 2024

    Like the idea being presented as it makes real the prioritization work being done. Potentially expanding the strategic roadmap filter to use any sortable field, but especially the prioritization ranking.