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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Ideas portal
Created by Clare Bonsall
Created on Sep 14, 2021

Accept multiple external authentication endpoints for SSO in the ideas portal so customers can be secured via MFA

We have managed to setup SSO for internal staff members, but it's currently not possible to accept multi federal. What we need is either a SSO for Microsoft account or multi federated so our customers can seamlessly login with microsoft SSO.

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  • Admin
    Kelly Sebes
    Sep 21, 2021

    Thank you for following up to further explain your needs. Given everything currently on our roadmap, we are unlikely support for multiple SSO endpoints per portal in the near future. We hope you understand. Please continue to reach out with more feedback.

  • Chris Doran
    Sep 20, 2021

    Hi Kelly - not in the way that we want. A lot of our customers use Office 365 and we wanted to have a single SSO setup that worked for all of those customers, whereas it seems we have to set a separate portal up for every customer and configure SSO on a customer by customer basis.

  • Mike Walker
    Sep 17, 2021
    We have mfa for our internal. Staff through azure AD this doesn't work for general authentication purposes for our customers ad as your only allowed to configure one pier mfa connection. Happy to get on a call to explain as am sure this would be a very desirable add on for enterprise software vendors like us
  • Admin
    Kelly Sebes
    Sep 17, 2021

    Thank you for reaching out. Have you been able to configure SSO for your customers to login to the portal? If that SSO provider supports MFA, then I wonder if that would meet your need. Customer would authenticate to the SSO provider using MFA and would then use that to access the ideas portal.