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Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit APP-I-1712 Add all features to presentation convenience method on Features->Roadmap view.

Automatically add feature sets and stories to roadmaps

As it stands, every time I create a new feature set or import a story from Jira, I have to manually add them to my roadmap... one... by... one... and then re-save the view. This makes no sense and adds a huge amount of overhead: over time, hunting and pecking for individual checkboxes in a sea of hundreds of checkboxes becomes unmanageable.

Though this would be somewhat mitigated if you implemented my suggestion for a "select all" option, the better solution for this use case is an automatic inclusion feature. For example, for my use case, I want to set my roadmap to automatically include all feature sets from a particular workspace, and also include all stories from that workspace's feature sets.