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Feature Roadmap - Allow JIRA #/JIRA Link

On the feature roadmap view when I choose to display a feature within a given release, I'd like the ability to also display the JIRA link/JIRA #.  Similar to how i'm able to configure if the initiative icon is displayed.  That way my technical audience can easily click over to see the detailed requirements that are included within that feature.  I'm not trying to get rid of the Aha #, just trying to show my audience that this feature has requirements in JIRA.

    Jul 26, 2016

    Thank you for the request. One workaround would be to create a Report where the JIRA #'s appear - which would allow your technical audience to see which items have additional JIRA req.

    if you are looking to communicate this on the Feature roadmap page, another workaround would be to show Tags on the this view via the Customize Features dropdown. You could add "JIRA" tags which can demonstrate this. Note that through the Features -> List page, you can bulk edit features to more quickly add tags to multiple features.

    At this time, based on existing workarounds and current priorities, we are unlikely to make updates in this area. We hope you can understand.

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