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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Reports
Created by Amol Naik
Created on Mar 22, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit A-I-8925 Sort list reports by fields not visible .

Ability to sort list reports using fields that are not visible Merged

A lot of times there is a need to sort list reports using fields that are not required to be displayed on the report. This is currently not possible on list reports but available on pivots. Please enable this functionality to list reports as well.

  • Bastian Schoell
    Nov 10, 2021

    absolutely support this request. For now, the Pivot report can do this only through a workaround. BOTH list and pivot reports should provide the ability to have a facility to allow sorting by fields that are not included in the report itself.