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Sort field by multiple fields in pivot reports and custom roadmap without displaying other fields

On pivot report and custom roadmaps, we can sort by fields that are not displayed in the report, but you cannot sort the same field by multiple other fields. Previously, it was possible to add fields to sort and then remove the fields from the view. This was helpful to achieve the desired sort but not have to show additional information in the view.

For example, attached is an example of a custom roadmap.

  • The feature bars use the feature start date and release date.

  • I can sort the feature name by a different feature field (e.g. feature start date).

  • However, if I want to sort by the release date, I need to add the release date field to be visible on the roadmaps (when it's already represented by the bars).

  • It would be helpful to sort the features on the bars by start date, then release date (or other fields).

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