I am trying to build a visual roadmap and I need to be able to sort my projects in a couple different ways through a few different layers.
However, I am only able to layer sort fields if there is an equal number of fields displayed on the project itself. So, since I am only displaying the project name on the roadmap bar, I only get one layer of sorting.
This is a very irritating restriction. The fielded information for each project is present in the database, why can't I have access to it all for sorting purposes?
Specifically, my use case is: I want to display several dozen projects in motion at the same time. I want their names to be displayed on their bars. I want to sort by their roll-up initiative and then by their end date (release date). But since I am only displaying 1 field (project name), I only get 1 field for sorting.
If I add a second field to the bar, then I can sort on ANY OTHER second field. Why is there this limitation to start with if the sorting is not tied to the selected fields? It is maddening...