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Improve Filter UX

Using filters in reports is a confusing and painful experience, specifically:

  • There are times when I want to set a filter and not have a drop-down on my report for people to tinker with because changing it would negate the purpose of the report. For example, if I am building an exception report to show all initiatives that are missing a value in a given field, I do not want to see a drop-down showing other options - the point of the entire report is to look for explicitly blank.

  • It's extremely frustrating not being able to get some kind of look at the data underpinning a chart. There's already a disconnect created when I need to make a whole new object just for a chart, since I never get to directly see the data the chart is "eating", but if it produces a result I don't expect or understand, I need to do a LOT of investigation to find out why.

  • Related to above - drill-downs are table stakes for any reporting tool. There's very little value in seeing a pie chart but not being able to click on the slice to see what's in there.

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    • Admin
      Kelly Sebes
      Mar 15, 2021

      Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback.

      • You can lock the filters in reports by right-clicking on the filter dropdown. Read more about it here and please let us know if that takes care of the first concern.

      • Regarding viewing the data for a chart, do you think our discussion on this idea covers it? If not, please let us know how you would like to see it improved.

      Thanks again!