This applies to all records with required default fields, not just Features:
I would like to be able to customize fields that are default/'out of the box' fields on records.
Specifically, I would like to be able to rename and add descriptions (hover over tool tips) to the ones that are required to be on a record such as 'Status,' 'Assigned to,' 'Success Metric,' etc.
A mitigation would be to just replace these fields with custom fields, but since these are required, I can't do that.
Our organization has a use case to add tool tips to some Aha! out of the box fields. One example is the Release Date (internal) and Release Date (external) fields to help clarify to our Product Managers what those dates should represent. There are other examples as well. As a workaround we could consider updating our layout to have a read-only field with some help text but that seems a bit clunky.
Hi, our PMs asked if we can add the small question mark sign and an info text when hoovering over this small sign. In our case we have an issue with the internal release date and the external release date. Because we have an old internal process for product life cycle specification within our company. And there we use other abbreviations, and that is generating confusion and discussions right now - on what is what.
Therefore the proposal from our PMs came up that we could add a small question mark with an info text, as kind of a conversion info. They hade seen this info text option in a Feature layout, I guess it was a custom field then.
Because when I asked the Aha! support, the answer was that just custom fields have this option with an explaining text, not Aha! std fields right now.
Would like the option for a Tool Tip on Existing Fields too.
Need it too.
We use the terms "market launch" and "GA" for our internal and external release dates. Re-naming these fields would eliminate the need to translate aha terms to the rest of the business.
Completely agree, this is required flexibility.
For our release process we would like to use a single release date, so renaming one of the external/internal fields would be necessary. Some hard-coded names don't make good sense in all processes.
I'd like to rename "proxy vote", or have a tool-tip, it's not intuitive, and we have a lot of non-native english speakers using the system. We don't want to require training for the ideas portal.
We would also like to be able to make use of this sort of functionality, and also to take it a step further by adding help text into some fields (particularly custom note fields) similar to the standard description field's "Click to add description..."
As someone who works on an integrations product, it would be very useful to have the functionality to rename built-in/default fields or assign labels to them.
For example, we have a field in Jira that corresponds to the integration in OUR platform; However, there is already a field in Aha! called integration so I have to name my custom field something else for the sole purpose of providing clarity. That is however, just one example.
Please implement this idea in short order. Thank you.
I would like the ability to add a description/help field for out of box fields to add detail for users to understand exactly what information out of box fields represent.
Our team would like to rename the default Score field.
The "Assigned to" field has some special functionality that we want to keep, but we want to clarify for our team that in our context/workspace and for a particular record type, it means "Engagement Manager" rather than "Developer", "Consultant" or something else. If we could even add a custom tooltip, it would help.