Provide a list or detail view for browsing files to attach
When attaching a file to a note or other object in Aha!, all possible files are provided in a thumbnail format. This is fine for directories with a few file, but is unworkable for directories with many files in it. Additionally, the window is not ...
over 7 years ago
in Application
Will not implement
Products should be easily transferable to other teams
This would be similar to Heroku's treatment of "apps." You can work and collaborate with others on an app -- say as a consultant -- then when it's time to deliver the product to a client or otherwise hand it off, you can easily transfer everything...
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Unlikely to implement
A release can be across multiple initiatives and is displayed as such in the portfolio roadmap. If a release has 6 features split across 2 initiatives, it will be very useful if the portfolio manager is able to see, when rolling over, how many of ...
Project Parker
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement
It would be useful to be able to define external release names which are used in Report generation. Our Engineering team uses a naming convention for releases that would mean nothing to the rest of our business. At the moment, whenever a report is...
Jonathan Shaw
over 7 years ago
in Releases
Unlikely to implement
Our company is quite new to Aha. We really like the product but would like to make user provisioning and much easier. We use Active Directory for our employees like most all companies. I've looked and looked, but have only found integration throug...
over 7 years ago
in Integrations
Already exists
Ideas portal field validation terminology needs to be customisable
Currently I can customise most text that appears in the ideas portal, but I cannot change the terminology used on the field validation. Example:
Portal set to submit only
Change default terminology 'Your idea' to 'Summary'
Fill in form but do n...
over 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Will not implement
When you create a pivot report and put a predefined choice field as a row or column, it does not group results like it does for tags. This is annoying for several reasons.
1. Predefined choice fields force a single value while you can not do so w...
Ken Hinton
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Restrict Portal Users from Viewing and Voting on Specific Products
As a Product Owner/Contributor, I expect that my portal users will only provide feedback to products that they own. I do not expect them navigating to and viewing/voting on ideas on products/projects they are not associated with.
I have stakeholde...
Employees & partners should have the ability to control the idea visibility
Currently, the only way to make an employee idea visible is for an Aha! user to toggle the visibility. It would be nice if employees could mark an idea "Visible for everyone" at the time of its creation.
over 7 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
Allow other view formats for Ideas, which are more visually appealing
It seems like currently to see all/most of the Idea data in a report, you basically need to create a list. It would be nice if we could create other formats for this data. If there are fewer amounts of data, we use pivot tables or such when we can...
over 7 years ago
in Reports
Unlikely to implement