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Deeper integration with Teams by using custom App and SAML2

Using the Microsoft Teams App Studio we can add sites that are packaged together as a set of tabs accessed by an icon on the sidebar of Teams. When using SAML2 authentication with Microsoft Azure Active Directory, users of the site is presented wi...
Guest over 4 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Need an option to sync Jira fixVersion "Name" instead of "ID"

Aha! Feature may contain Requirements from different Jira Projects. Right now, the fixVersion is synced with "fixVersion ID", which will not be synced successfully when the Feature (Epic in Jira) and Requirement (Story in Jira) belong to different...
Guest over 8 years ago in Jira 0 Already exists

Allow creation of idea at Salesforce Account level

Right now, you can link an already created idea at the Salesforce account level, but you can create a new idea. This has been requested from many of our solution architects supporting current customers. Would be a big help in encouraging additiona...
Guest over 8 years ago in Wanted 1 Already exists

Bulk edit records using Aha syntax to update records with more flexibility

I've recently discovered the Aha calculated field feature which exposed the Aha syntax (avg(field("ScoreCard1"),field("ScoreCard2")). It would be excellent to use this type of syntax when bulk editing records. For example, if you wanted to update ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Add Closing Comment for Jira Integration

Our Jira environment has a requirement to enter a comment when "closing" a ticket. Aha does not have a place for this so if Aha! users close a feature in Aha, they will have to login to Jira and close it there as well. The request is to allow a "c...
Guest over 4 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Reports - Ability to display Feature Last Comment Only (this option is available with Release comments but not Feature comments)

This would be beneficial for running stakeholder reports, status touchpoint meeting facilitation, etc. To display the entire comment history is much too long and cumbersome for inclusion in a report.
Guest over 8 years ago in Reports 1 Already exists

Create Users Through Zapier

It would be great to enhance the Zapier actions integration, specifically adding the ability to create Aha users (Reviewers, Viewers) and Idea Portal Users through Zapier.
Michael Morrison over 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Unlikely to implement

Add a Description tab to the first screen of the new record format

The description at the top of the record under the Created by... text really doesn't make sense in your new tabbed format. Should be right there in the tab lineup.
Mary McKenna over 4 years ago in Features 2 Already exists

Disable auto To-Do assignments when applying a release template.

Disable auto To-Do assignments when applying a release template. As the Aha admin for a large group of products I design and apply release templates to various release. These release templates require updating to comply with evolving corporate pol...
Frank Fuchs over 4 years ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Roadmap View - De-selecting Existing Features in Parking Lot

Aha’s Roadmap provides an excellent way to view features / masterfeatures with timelines. However, when bringing existing features into view (navigation tab on the right, go to “Use Existing”, “Feature”, and then select), there is no easy way to t...
Guest over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Already exists