It would be really neat if we could add emojis as a tag. The thought was that we could add items like stars and hearts to our releases to indicate which ones are really exciting to our stakeholder.
about 3 years ago
in Features
Already exists
We use initiatives to track packages of work - if you amend or create a new initiative as part of development, there isn't a way (currently) to be able to sort the list - any new initiative gets added to the top and can then be out of order. the o...
Make reports used on a dashboard use the same layout as your report
When you create a report and add it to a dashboard the dashboard version of the report does not retain the same layout. In the report, the column widths are as you have set them out. When you add the report to the dashboard the column widths vary ...
Matt Garrett
about 3 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Custom Workflows to action and/or post messaging after a duration of time.
Looking to implement a workflow where by ideas are automatically moved to will not implement and a message posted if there is no action (vote or comment) for 60+ days. This would operate in parallel to a partner workflow where we groom/action an i...
Francisco B
about 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
We use tube maps to communicate to senior leaders the complexity and amount of work ongoing within our department. The visualisation looks like a London Underground map and we create them using the Miro template at
about 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
List view of Ideas should be separate for each product
It doesn't make sense to be in a product and see ideas from another. I know that I can filter out what I don't need, but this is unnecessary. If I wanted to make an ideas list of all or multiple products, I would just go to Reports. When clicking ...
over 9 years ago
in Ideas
Will not implement
Add component "Assumptions" to product "Vision" tab.
I know a new custom Vision component can be added, but "Assumptions" might make a good stock one. I'd wager a lot of your user's follow the general philosophy outlined in "The Lean Start-Up" and would benefit from having this component smack them ...
over 9 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
POST for /api/v1/products/:product_id/idea_categories
We want the Categories that an Idea is assigned to, to be 1:1 with our Components from Jira. We could utilize the JIRA Rest API and the AHA Rest API to keep these two lists in sync, however the AHA API only has a GET protocol available and lacks a...
Ryan G
about 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
You can include an 'Epic quarter', 'Feature Quarter' or 'Release Quarter' in list reports and roadmaps that Aha! calculates from the release date of the release. However our client facing roadmaps are produced by semester, it would be great to hav...
Nicolas Andrillon
about 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
WHen my users have sent an idea into the AHA ideas portal, and I have promoted it into an EPIC, the user would like to be able to see, in what release/EPIC within the AHA roadmap the idea is going to be shipped. It could be convenient to have a li...
about 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration