Just like on the Ideas portal I can control how many votes a user gets, I want to control how many votes a Reviewer can cast. I want to expand access to Private comments, which requires Reviewer permissions, which in turn grants unlimited votes; a...
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Moving a master feature to a new release should give me the option to move the sub-features
At the end of a release, if a master feature has not been completed, I have to move it to the following release. I would like to be able to do this in prep for shipping the release. However then I also need to move the sub-features to their approp...
over 7 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Portfolio Management - more options at the global level
We are trying to get the parent organization using Aha! as well. They have 100+ major products that we sell to customers – many HW, some SW. Is there an option to make more of the product line changes at that level, rather than having to dive into...
Suzanne Vaughan
almost 10 years ago
Unlikely to implement
Whenever a User is added to a Custom Table User Field, add them as a Watcher
When you have a User Field in a Custom Table, add them as a Watcher. Similar to how @'ing someone makes them a Watcher. In fact, whenever a User is referenced, they should become a Watcher.
Add Features of a previous Release to another Release
We're currently release in batches. We're having monthly releases that are delivered to our customers through our Marketplace. Every 3-6 Months we're having a cumulated release where all the features since the last cumulated release are included -...
Fabian Henzler
almost 10 years ago
in Releases
Already exists
Activity cannot start until the activity it's dependent on is completed
If an activity is dependent on another activity within a plan, it would be nice if that activity cannot start until the activity it's dependent on is completed. Also it would be nice to notify the owner of that activity that they can start on thei...
Ralph Kreidly
about 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Provide an Approval Process for Documents within Activities and Save Historical Versions
We use Activities under Plans to generate and deliver documents that go through an approval process. It would be helpful if those documents can go through an approval process within Aha and also save historical versions of the documents while goin...
Ralph Kreidly
about 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Tags can be used in reporting and filtered against. However, there is an ability to have the same tag listed multiple times or named slightly different because of case sensitivity.
If I use a tag "Impact" for 5 features, but there are a 2 features...
over 7 years ago
in Application
Already exists
Having more than 1500 products it is time consuming to ship Sub releases one by one.
It would be very helpful to select all (or at least a number) of them at the same time
Monica Rossi
over 7 years ago
in Releases
Will not implement
As part of a good product management team, we want to regularly collaborate with people who are submitting ideas to our team. We want to be able to send them an email during these events 1) Idea is submitted - to inform that their idea has been re...
Neha S
about 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists