When reviewing items in the Prioritization page, some clearly fall to the bottom of the rankings. It’s nice to be able to click into the Rank field and type a number like “50” to throw it way down the rank. The problem is, when I do that the page ...
about 2 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
When using a dashboard and filtering by quarterly plan, the drop down displays the quarters associated with the selected workspace - as expected. However, when the drop down is not 'dropped down', it is showing a quarterly plan from a different w...
about 2 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
I want to add a multi-select custom field to the ideas portal but I can't currently do so. We use the Ideas Portal as a mechanism for internal people to request new features they need for client implementations and need a multiselect so they can c...
almost 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Need option to disable orange circle notifications (for nervous people)
In the notification preferences I can not disable notifications on the user menu avatar and on the favicon without disabling email notifications. I find the orange circle on the favicon distracting and would like the ability to disable it.
Allow field-by-field selection when linking Aha and Jira records, rather than all from one or the other system of record
When I create an epic and link to an existing JIRA, it asked me to choose which summary, name, description info to use. Would be nice if I can select which field, i.e., name, summary or description, to use from either JIRA or Aha. As it is now, it...
Kirstin Maurer
over 6 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
Allow your customers to re-name (or at least use a customer-friendly label) for the Ideas portal that delivers appropriate message to their users. In our use case, we use the Ideas portal for our internal stakeholders to be used for not only enhan...
Vanya M.
about 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Within Marketing, Business and Project Lines, the customize terminology setting is broken and creates an inconsistent user experience that confuses users. Within the 'Customize Terminology' setting (Settings > Product Line > Terminology), if...
Carl Ambrus
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Stories that are pushed to Rally from the Aha Parking Lot are creating a release in Rally titled Parking Lot. I would like to see these user stories not be assigned to a release in Rally, that way they will be be displayed on the backlog.
Jason Day
over 6 years ago
in Rally
Already exists