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Display all counts on Donut Chart slices

What is the challenge? Currently smaller slices of data are not displaying counts even if there is room for the metric to be displayed. What is the impact? You cannot see the count labels unless you click on the chart slice. Describe your idea Dec...
Stephanie Lechner 4 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Risk identification and tracking

I appreciate the recent release of the Project workspace. However, a big part of Project Management is Risk Tracking and Mitigation. I would like to be able to identify risks at a Project or Product line level and tag those risks on Release and Fe...
Kalyndra Craven almost 5 years ago in Application 5 Future consideration

Integration with WorkBoard

Our company is looking to adopt WorkBoard as our corporate standard for OKRs. Our development business units use Aha to manage our product strategy and roadmaps so we need to have integration between the 2 systems in order to maintain continuity o...
Joe Granville about 4 years ago in Wanted 3 Future consideration

Integration with Pendo

Pendo is a great tool that our company uses to see how our clients interact with our product. I'd love to be able to pull in some of the analytics of product use into Aha. For example, how many users are using this new feature we launched, etc.
Guest almost 6 years ago in Integrations 2 Unlikely to implement

Allow arrows to determine relationships when converting work items using Aha Shapes (in Whiteboards)

What is the challenge? I have a feature that spans multiple products and product lines. In using Aha Shapes in the Whiteboard, I'm only allowed to define one Epic or one Feature at a time. What is the impact? I had to convert the Aha Shapes in 5-6...
C Gordon about 1 month ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Star Rating field

What is the challenge? I need a visual ranking system What is the impact? Easily see which are the best ideas for example Describe your idea Star rating systems have become universal and I have several use cases in mind where it would be helpful t...
Guest about 1 month ago in  0 Future consideration

Tables within table

What is the challenge? Cannot create a table within a table What is the impact? It is more challenging to organize information with lots of complex levels Describe your idea Add the capability to create tables within tables
Daniela Iancu about 1 month ago in Notes 2 Future consideration

Make it easier to stay on top of everything going on in Aha!

What is the challenge? In an active Aha! account, there is so much going on, it becomes very time consuming to try and filter through notifications to see what really needs your attention and then take action. Current notifications page is inconve...
Todd Meyer 5 months ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Future consideration

Include Belongs To in record link reporting

Who would benefit? All teams who create parent-child relationships What impact would it make? It would help teams who are using record link reporting to validate data relationships How should it work? In the attached example, a feature belongs to ...
Jeanette Resnikoff about 1 year ago in  2 Future consideration

Integration 2.0 for Gitlab

Gitlab is an important integration, but still not covered by the new 2.0 integrations
Fabio Brito about 5 years ago in Integrations 8 Future consideration