Require completion of certain fields with promoted ideas
Epic, feature and initiative layouts allow you to require certain inputs when these records are created in the platform. But if they are promoted from an ideas, portal, individuals are able to bypass the completion of these 'required' fields.
Danielle A
over 3 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Allow additional record information for prioritization view filtering and adding of columns
Today, the prioritization views for ideas, initiatives, and features only allow information from a record directly associated with the record that is being prioritized. For example, if I am prioritizing ideas, I can only bring in data from ideas a...
Amanda K
about 1 month ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Import items even if a parent is not available due to security restrictions
What is the challenge? Some of our work items (e.g. a feature) in ADO are linked to security related parents (e.g. an epic) in ADO. We are not able to access the parent work item due to these security settings. However we would like to see the fea...
Custom default colour for whiteboard objects e.g. as templates
What is the challenge? As an extensive user of whiteboards, I would like to create whiteboard objects using specific colours so that I can implement different colour codes for different purposes. For example, arrows always come out in Wizard Blue ...
Ian Babelon
about 1 month ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We have tons of reports in our library and the page is slow opening. It would be helpful to have Favorites added on the menu for Roadmaps on the main page. What is the impact? Describe your idea
Julie Klovstad
6 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Sort first column when grouping records on the Now, Next, Later roadmap
What is the challenge? On my Now, Next, Later roadmap, I've grouped records by Initiative. I see that I can sort the records within their initiative, but I don't see a way to change the order in which the Initiatives appear in this view - they app...
Chrissi McNamara
6 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Allow custom due date options for to-do automation actions
Who would benefit? Users who are looking to automate the creation of to-dos, approvals or work requests What impact would it make? Allow more flexibility in to-do creation How should it work? Similar to how we can select the custom date option whe...
Kristina Gass
over 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Restrict the visibility of specific custom fields to different users
We use Aha! for all our product planning, however we currently do some financial estimates outside of Aha! which we don't want to share with the wider development team. This causes us to fragment our data and use permissions in other portals as th...
Mark Gerrard
about 4 years ago
in Epics
Future consideration
Allow adding Goal info to Initiatives prioritization page
Who would benefit? Anyone who links Goals to Initiatives and would like to visualize that context when utilizing the Initiatives prioritization page. What impact would it make? This would make it easier to identify Initiatives associated with a sp...
Maria Plotkina
about 1 year ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Display a default date format for the entire account
What is the challenge? When screen sharing the roadmap, it's difficult to determine what format dates are in based on locations. What is the impact? It makes it difficult to coordinate dates effectively. Describe your idea Enable us to change date...
Salma Marzouk
10 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration