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Strategic Competitor - Tag or Label

What is the challenge? Our company is very large and our product have a lot of overlaps with many companies so competitors. It's hard to quickly list the one who are competitive to a specific domain What is the impact? I spend a lot of time trying...
Guest about 1 month ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Let calendar panels be affected by dashboard filters

What is the challenge? Currently, dashboard filters do not affect calendar panels ("This panel type is not compatible with dashboard filters"). What is the impact? One of our main dashboard use cases is to show a release calendar from a very broad...
Guest about 1 month ago in Calendar 0 Future consideration

Use case template for POC or new feature dev

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea solidly be able to outline use cases for a new feature or for the beginning of a POC
Guest about 1 month ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Support worksheet custom fields in automated scorecard metrics when an idea is promoted

What is the challenge? I have a worksheet that is used on multiple record types. I want to use that worksheet in an automated metric in a scorecard that is shared across those record types. This is not possible today. When you select multiple reco...
Terence Osmeña 3 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Allow setting "To-do description" in reports to a rich text export

What is the challenge? With most description fields, such as Feature description, pulling those fields into a list report gives you the option to choose whether the column will be formatted for a Rich text export or a Plain text export. The descri...
Maria Plotkina 3 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Create a release when accepting a work request

What is the challenge? Today, work requests cannot be accepted as a release record. In my use case, I am coordinating cross-product initiatives at my company line. I want to request work from my GTM team who works in a separate GTM workspace for t...
Max Robbins 5 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Ability to collapse/expand row groups in roadmap report

What is the challenge? Long reports can be difficult to read or navigate through when all rows are shown What is the impact? Our roadmap report is shared to leaders across business unit. It is difficult for leaders to find a specific product line ...
Megan Fang 5 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Manual Sending of Requirements to integrated development tool

Presently, there isn't a way to have requirements in a draft status like there are with features. This tends to be somewhat problematic when you have multiple requirements types you work with e.g. subtasks and user stories. It will automatically s...
I R over 1 year ago in Jira 2 Future consideration

Show more context for added/removed records in retrospective report

I want to understand more about the records that are added to or removed from a release: When was it removed? Where was it moved to? What is its current status? I would like to see this information in the retrospective report
Jeff Tucker over 1 year ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Upload banner image to customize Ideas Portal branding

What is the challenge? It's difficult to implement a basic customization, such as a banner or hero image, to the Ideas Portal without using custom CSS. Additionally, any 'img url' in custom CSS must point to an image that is hosted on a public-fac...
Guest 5 months ago in Branding 0 Future consideration