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Ability to change label names of Standard fields

In our org. we have 2 roles: 1. Product Manager - Who owns the Idea and is responsible for updating idea status. 2. Category Manager - Who should be informed when the idea is updated (Basically a watcher) The above 2 roles are similar to what th...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 9 Future consideration

Sync Roadmaps data to whiteboards

Use case: I want to convey early ideas and plans in a whiteboard and then sync my whiteboard objects as real Roadmaps data to keep them up to date. Idea: Allow the option to sync Roadmaps data to and from a whiteboard.
Julie Price almost 2 years ago in Whiteboards 3 Likely to implement

Features and Epics should move to integrated parent Release upon updates

What is the challenge? If you introduce Version<>Release mapping to an existing integration or you link a record to an existing Jira record, subsequent updates are creating a new Aha! release (linked to the Jira issues's Fixed Version) but t...
Stephanie Lechner 6 months ago in Jira 0 Planning to implement

Update idea status when promoting to an existing feature

When I promote an idea to a new feature, the status of the idea changes to the first one in the workflow that equates to “in progress”. When I promote an idea the an existing feature, however, the status does not change. I think promoting to an ex...
Tom Beck over 6 years ago in Ideas 14 Future consideration

Automatic refresh of Aha! data in Excel (or PowerPoint)

It would be great if we had the choice of maintining an active link to data when exporting to Excel (or hopefully one day to PowerPoint) so that the Excel can be refreshed with the latest data in the report. I am envisioning sth like it is describ...
Markus Gujer over 6 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Salesforce shows all ideas requested by a customer

When a customer submits an Idea in our Customer facing portal the Idea should be linked automatically into that users account on SalesForce, Today we are able to go into SFDC and manually search for the Idea for that user and link the account to t...
Vered Yosub over 5 years ago in Salesforce 8 Future consideration

Pivot changes - adjust calculation row and/or column independently

Currently with a Pivot chart you can choose to include a Total row AND column. For many pivot charts, only one of these makes sense and the other is useless space wasting data.
Greg Lyons almost 4 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Automatically create releases on a set schedule (weekly/monthly/quarterly)

What is the challenge? Creating new releases manually is cumbersome. Often we need to create releases from templates on a consistent weekly or monthly basis. It would be nice to be able to automate this. What is the impact? It's more work to do it...
Todd Meyer about 2 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Showing running total of capacity field in prioritization view.

What is the challenge? PM can't easily tell which items are beyond the current remaining capacity. What is the impact? Currently, only board view can shows limit line. However, many users use prioritization view to prioritize records based on capa...
Ashton Tsou 10 months ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Amount of changes made by a user when Account Level permissions

What is the challenge? Business Problem to Solve: Utilization report: We would like to know who is utilizing the Aha Account Level? How can we manage the amount of changes made by a user when Account Level permissions have been granted? License co...
Mike Jacobson 11 months ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration