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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 17, 2019

Ability to change label names of Standard fields

In our org. we have 2 roles:

1. Product Manager - Who owns the Idea and is responsible for updating idea status.

2. Category Manager - Who should be informed when the idea is updated (Basically a watcher)


The above 2 roles are similar to what the Creator and Assigned to fields can do in Ideas.


Ideas received are processed at multiple backend systems and assigned to a product manager before it is bulk uploaded and the product manager is not always the Creator here.


Category manager needs to be added as a watcher by default to all ideas that will be uploaded and Assigned to is the only field which can do this.


The field names Creator and Assigned to are hence misleading

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    Mike Lowery
    Nov 25, 2024

    Stephanie, you can already change the names of initiatives, it's in the terminology section of your workspace configuration.

  • Stephanie Sullivan
    Apr 24, 2024

    This would be really helpful. I get tired of having to explain what an initiative is in a report, when we call them "blue chips". It would be nice to have it be displayed as:
    Blue Chip Name

  • Fiona Tait
    Dec 8, 2022

    This is a great idea. I'd like to be able to rename 'detailed estimate' to better reflect how we are using this field alongside 'initial estimate' when we are planning.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jan 22, 2022

    Please please please support custom display names for out-of-the-box fields.

    As other commenters have also shared, there are a lot of very basic, straightforward use cases for this. I have several more of my own. We're working hard as a company to establish shared terminology, as that drives shared understanding and streamlines communication. It would be really great if Aha could reflect that same terminology (whereas instead the slightly different words in Aha lead to confusion and/or slow down conversation). Thank you!

  • Danielle A
    Nov 3, 2021

    This would be very helpful. The out of box naming for the standard fields isn't always as clear as we would like it to be and doesn't always align to how we are using a given field (e.g. in the example Julie Edwards' gives below). In one example, we want to use the standard 'Initiative' field on our epics layouts, so epics automatically link to the applicable initiative when this field is completed (which wouldn't work with a custom field). However, we might want to name this field something else (e.g. objective) or, for clarification purposes 'Initiatives driven'

  • Julie Edwards
    Oct 22, 2021

    Would like to be able to rename the "Release date (Internal)" field and "Release date (External)" to make it clearer what these really means to us as per our definitions and terminology

  • Reut Levi
    Mar 17, 2021

    I see idea A-I-9998 was merged into this one, so just wanted to make sure you know the use case is larger than just the watcher and creator fields. It would be great to be able to change any standard field label.

    To give another example, we have two description fields one for technical description that is integrated into JIRA, and one for business description, which is what we use on roadmaps and external communication.

    Since "description" is a standard field that cannot be removed, we were face with the following workaround.

    1. Utilize the standard description for either the technical description of business one and create another custom field for the other. That is the option we ended up choosing, but it comes with problems. Our users often put wrong type of descriptions in those field, which causes a lot of confusion and rework.

    2. Add 2 new custom fields for each description type and not use the standard one. This option consumed a lot of real estate space on the record and did not solve for the confusion - users were still using this field mistakenly.

    Hope this helps explain more use cases/challenges.

  • Guest
    Aug 17, 2019

    This is an important feedback and needs to be fixed asap as we are planning to launch this to a wider audience within our product team

  • +1

Ability to modify the names of standard fields for features.

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Guest almost 5 years ago in Features 2 Future consideration

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Let me change the name of the Aha score field

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