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Rearrange the order of Features in an Epic

What is the challenge? In the Epic detail view, I see all the related Features. I am not able to rearrange the order of these. (However, I AM able to rearrange the order of Requirements on a Feature). What is the impact? I don't have a way of sett...
Guest 3 months ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

"My Work" additional filters

What is the challenge? As an Idea portal admin, I am constantly getting notifications where I need to track or address the activity. I use the "My Work" area to view recent changes made. While we do have some reports built that can spot check some...
Lindsay Lawler 3 months ago in My work 1 Future consideration

Include whiteboards in dashboards

To provide visual context to data in dashboards, it would be useful to include whiteboards as an available panel
Jeanette Resnikoff over 1 year ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Add "Increase Indent" and "Decrease Indent" buttons to the Knowledge Base toolbar

What is the challenge? Too many clicks to increase or decrease text/paragraph indent; currently, we have to select those options from the List dropdown What is the impact? Wasted time Describe your idea Add "Increase Indent" and "Decrease Indent" ...
David Yelenchic 6 months ago in Knowledge base 3 Future consideration

Allow all approvers to respond to a to-do regardless if someone already "rejects"

What is the challenge? When a to-do is assigned to multiple approvers, if the first approver rejects the to-do, the remaining approvers are unable to respond to the to-do. What is the impact? The remaining approvers do not have the option to provi...
Dominique Tjondro 3 months ago in To-dos 0 Future consideration

Honor changing record type in ADO

Currently, when you change the type of record for an integrated record in ADO, it somewhat breaks the integration. Updates are still sent from Aha! to ADO but updates are not processed from ADO to Aha! It appears this scenario is supported for Jir...
Guest 25 days ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

Strategic Competitor - Tag or Label

What is the challenge? Our company is very large and our product have a lot of overlaps with many companies so competitors. It's hard to quickly list the one who are competitive to a specific domain What is the impact? I spend a lot of time trying...
Guest 25 days ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Let calendar panels be affected by dashboard filters

What is the challenge? Currently, dashboard filters do not affect calendar panels ("This panel type is not compatible with dashboard filters"). What is the impact? One of our main dashboard use cases is to show a release calendar from a very broad...
Guest 25 days ago in Calendar 0 Future consideration

Use case template for POC or new feature dev

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea solidly be able to outline use cases for a new feature or for the beginning of a POC
Guest 25 days ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Better automations management and reporting

Who would benefit? Workspace admin & users What impact would it make? improve reliability and documentation How would it work? Allow the extraction of metadata detailing existing automations By providing an endpoint or similar option to output...
Keith Murphy about 1 year ago in Application 0 Future consideration