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Aha! Roadmaps

Showing 9206 of 9206

Customize My work for my workflow

I need the ability to configure My work for my use case. The page is often cluttered with elements that we may never use. Here are a few of the challenges we've run into: Customize My work by persona Customize for novice users. Imagine a cleaner i...
Nathaniel Collum almost 2 years ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Allow setting a "Default view" for the Initiatives prioritization list

What is the challenge? It is currently not possible to set a default view for the Initiatives prioritization page, unlike the corresponding features and ideas pages. What is the impact? It is harder for users to collaborate on initiative prioritiz...
Maria Plotkina 6 months ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration
102 VOTE

Integration with

Would be great if there was in integration into We have users in our organization that use this tool for managing their UI concepts and workload.
Kenny Burnham almost 6 years ago in Integrations 8 Future consideration

Seamless Sync for Epics and Features Between Aha! and ADO when changing types

What is the challenge? Currently, when an Epic is changed to a Feature or vice versa in Azure DevOps (ADO), this change is not accurately synced with Aha!, leading to misalignment and inefficiencies. What is the impact? Epics and features are misa...
Rob Stebbens 8 months ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 1 Future consideration

For Release Retrospective view, add where an item moved when it's removed from the release

What is the challenge? Although we can currently track if a record is removed from a release, it is hard to tell where it moved without going into the record. This is the view I'm talking about:
Guest 6 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Use the release "Date range" in automations

What is the challenge? Trying to configure a release automation to set the "Feature start date" and "Feature due date" to be the same as the "Release start date" and "Release due date" What is the impact? Using custom/alternate fields where this i...
Dale Potter 6 months ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Paste config options: Strip all inline formatting from copy/pasted text by default

What is the challenge? Currently Aha! carries over all inline formatting from text copied outside of the system and pasted in text boxes. This functionality is useful for base HTML elements (strong, italics, headings, etc.), but creates extra work...
Jeremy Bruno 9 months ago in Knowledge bases 2 Future consideration

Integrate with Miro

Hi, would you consider integration with Miro, formerly RealTime Board? This is a great diagraming app, and has a good Jira integration which I was going to use in a convoluted way by pushing from Jira to Aha to get visibility back in Aha. In reali...
Guest over 5 years ago in Wanted / Whiteboards 18 Future consideration

When converting a requirement to a feature, if the original feature is in a shipped release, place the converted requirement in an unshipped release.

What is the challenge? I needed to break out a requirement in a feature that was already shipped (as was its release). However, when I converted the feature, it placed it in the shipped release. What is the impact? This new feature could have been...
Nathaniel Collum 22 days ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Automatically create releases on a set schedule (weekly/monthly/quarterly)

What is the challenge? Creating new releases manually is cumbersome. Often we need to create releases from templates on a consistent weekly or monthly basis. It would be nice to be able to automate this. What is the impact? It's more work to do it...
Todd Meyer about 1 month ago in Releases 0 Future consideration