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Link all attachments in an idea to the promoted feature.

What is the challenge? Users have the ability to add attachments multiple places based on an idea layout. What is the impact? Because promoting to a feature doesn't pull all attachments, it either requires reviewing both the feature and the idea, ...
Sherry Dockery 9 months ago in Ideas 1 Already exists

Personas can be 'mentioned' using # in a text editor

As a #productmanager, I would like to easily use a # to reference personas when I am defining a feature. This would work just as it does when using a # to refer to features or epics - typing #persona_name would search and find that persona. A litt...
Kelly Sebes about 4 years ago in Strategy 3 Future consideration

Standardize active user calculation

Aha! shows how many users are active in an account in two places: On the Billing page and in the CSV download of users on the Users page. For the Billing page, the number is calculated using the last login time, but for the CSV the report shows th...
Emily Yankush about 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Attach an epic to multiple releases

Using SAFE terminology, I have epics (master features) that relate to multiple program increments (releases). I'd like to be able to assign a master feature to more than one release at a time.
Guest over 5 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Update date picker in Meetings so that the week start date is consistent

What is the challenge? The date picker in Meetings does not match any other date picker in Aha! What is the impact? The inconsistency is confusing, especially with the muscle memory of assuming the first day in each new row is a Sunday. Describe y...
Nathaniel Collum 5 months ago in Notes 0 Likely to implement

Make it obvious when you are selecting a date in the past

What is the challenge? Small UI/UX tweak - I was adding new Phases to my release and didn't realise that I'd picked October 2023 - it looks exactly the same as picking a date in the future. I'd say there is likely a very small use case for picking...
Guest 5 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Adding cards to a whiteboard - position of pasted record

If there’s no cursor positioned inside the browser window, for example, when I switch from another window using Cmd+`, pasting the item URL creates a card at the right edge of the screen, which is very inconvenient. It works somewhat differently c...
Alexey Zimarev 5 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Allow for consistent formatting when using AI to draft release notes

What is the challenge? We have multiple products and multiple releases happening over time. Each time a product owner creates a release note the formatting usually is different. What is the impact? The product owner then has to manually update the...
Guest 9 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Add statistical functions to pivots

Who would benefit? All using pivots for performance metrics What impact would it make? Nuanced conversation in metrics is crucial for effective metrics How should it work? Replace current option of "average" with other statistical options. For exa...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Integration Jira - Enable links across projects

I would like to be able to integrate "Epics" from different "Projects" in Jira under common "Themes".
Guest almost 2 years ago in Jira 1 Already exists