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Aha! Roadmaps

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Export Aha! users

I want to export all of my Aha! users so that I can easily see how many license we have in use, who are using them and how many we have remaining.
Melissa Hopkins over 9 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

Link to creative brief should go to 'presentation' view and not 'editor' view

as a marketing manager, in experimenting with creative briefs I utilized the custom field 'creative brief' picker for our master activities. However when my team clicks on the creative brief, it opens up the 'editor' view instead of the 'presentat...
jason mercer almost 5 years ago in Epic 0 Shipped

Show recently created records on My work

I commonly add features or ideas and then want to see the item again or get a link to it a few minutes later. The first place I naturally look for this is in 'My Work', but it shows up under 'My Profile'. Add the data from 'My Profile' as a sectio...
Jonathan Steel over 6 years ago in My work 0 Shipped

Stagger release content boxes on two rows in timeline view

The timeline view tends to be very wide but not very high. When this is the case, I'd like the timeline to stagger the feature boxes at two alternating vertical heights so that they require less horizontal space. This would give the timeline an as...
Guest over 9 years ago in Reports 3 Shipped

Features board to group by status within a release

It would be cognitively easier to see features on the features board grouped by status, similar to as is already possible on the roadmap timeline.
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 0 Shipped

Show admin response updates in Idea History records

Right now updates to admin responses aren't tracked in the history of the Idea, so there is no way to know which aha user wrote and posted the admin response. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Kate W almost 5 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Make the initiatives effort-value chart bigger please!

It's only like 600px wide right now! That's tiny! It would be great if you could responsively size this for the width of the page. The problem is that if you're trying to score a bunch of initiatives, it gets really hard to see on that tiny chart ...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Strategy 2 Shipped

Variable Team capacity setting with custom time period

Why: This would allow variable team capacity per month/week etc. With current state of capacity setting, teams cannot account for changes in resources for partial project spans, member additions, losses, changes etc. This makes this feature less v...
Karla Johnson over 3 years ago in Capacity planning 0 Shipped

Can't Filter by Aha users & Portal users

Some of the team only have access to the idea portal, others also have access to Aha. However, if I want to filter the ideas list to only show ones from certain idea portal users AND certain Aha users, I cannot do so. I can only filter them on c...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Shipped

Show new releases in portfolio view without having to click the filter

When a new release is added they will not appear until one click the box in the filter function.
Guest almost 10 years ago in Releases 1 Shipped