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Make it easier to select a record type for list reports

What is the challenge? There are a lot of record types we can report on. They are not sorted alphabetically (note the custom tables section below is sorted alphabetically) so it's annoying to look through it to find the record I want What is the i...
Vitaliy Dolbilov 4 months ago in Reports / Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Improve searchability of icons

What is the challenge? The library of basic icons is great. However the search bar for icons in Whiteboards and Document titles only responds to three letters. The names of icons is counter-intuitive and usually does not reflect any common icon na...
Ian Babelon 4 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Future consideration

Reports: Allow inclusion of Is not criteria in Filters

What is the challenge? When a large amount of values are included in a filter selection (we use organisation). There is no way to positively exclude a particular selectable value. Filters appear to act as an "in list' type of function whereas we w...
Martin W 4 months ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Remove workspace default reports from Roadmaps Overview

On the Roadmaps overview page, there are a bunch of default reports that clutter up the All view. There is a Release Plan and Roadmap listed for every workspace. When you click into them, it just drops you on the default gantt for the workspace or...
Max Robbins 7 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Support large volumes of repos in GitHub integration

My company has been migrating from GHE to, and the default repo permission is set to "internal". This is causing individual users to have access to over 15k repos. In Aha, this large number of repos is preventing users from being able t...
David I. over 1 year ago in GitHub 0 Future consideration

Inherit Vision, Goals and initatives from other product lines

When initially setting up Aha it would be great to be able to have a Strategy for the Firm and then inherit and modify each of the elements by product line and product. This way you can cascade and align objectives easily. Vision, Goals, and initi...
Guest about 10 years ago in Strategy 5 Unlikely to implement

Add 'select all' or 'unselect all' to the top of multi selects to help with efficiency

It would save time instead of having to click 15-20 items in a list. If I could use 'select all' and then just de-select the one or two I don't want, this would be much more effiecient. Otherwise I'm manually clicking 15-20 checkboxes.
Cindy Hickman over 1 year ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Ability to set release start date via automation

What is the challenge? we import releases from Github Milestones which have no start date meaning the date range on releases is incorrect. What is the impact? results in releases on roadmaps which have inaccurate (infinite) bars and require manual...
Guest 7 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Improve Aha! Support of Using Microsoft Dictation

Who would benefit? Users with accessibility needs and using dictation tools. What impact would it make? But improving the use of Aha! features when using Microsoft Dictation. How should it work? Currently when using attempting to us Microsoft Dict...
Summer Jackson 11 months ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Allow me to open release drawer from release retrospective report

Who would benefit? All customers using the release retrospective report What impact would it make? It would allow me to easily drill into the release for additional context when questions are coming up in review of the report How should it work? T...
Reilly O'Connor about 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration