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Idea Portal Digest Notifications

We would like to allow our users to configure a digest for their notification subscriptions in the ideas portal. Ideally, they would be able to customize how often they receive notifications (immediately, daily, weekly) for each subscription they ...
Jeff Champagne over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 7 Likely to implement

Allow automations to trigger each other

Dear Team. In order to gather several approvals via to-dos in our feature and idea workflows, it seems automation rules would be a better choice for us then fixed workflows. While experimenting them it turned out that one automation action which c...
Krisztina Hodjan over 3 years ago in Product 1 Likely to implement

Keep all classic charting capabilities in the new chart experience

The "enhanced" charting capabilities that are about to be rolled out don't include a lot of the basic functionality included in the current classic charts view. Please keep the baseline functionality the same with the new experience. For example, ...
Laura Spohn about 3 years ago in Reports 4 Likely to implement

Extend Slack integration to field contents

Currently I can create notifications for every status change, but I would like to set up Slack notifications for channels when a feature status changes to a specific value, e.g: Status = QA. This could be extended to other value-limited fields l...
Garrett Coakley about 7 years ago in Slack 4 Likely to implement

Sync Roadmaps data to whiteboards

Use case: I want to convey early ideas and plans in a whiteboard and then sync my whiteboard objects as real Roadmaps data to keep them up to date. Idea: Allow the option to sync Roadmaps data to and from a whiteboard.
Julie Price about 1 year ago in Whiteboards 3 Likely to implement

Slack Channels for Features

It would be very helpful to have Slack Channels per Feature. At this moment all changes in features comes to the same channel, mixing information from different features that affect different groups. Therefore, having the ability to create an int...
Pablo Antolín over 8 years ago in Slack 6 Likely to implement

Trigger slack notifications based on updates to custom fields in aha

We use a custom 'Status update' field to track and communicate the details around current status of an initiative. This field is updated by the product management team weekly and/or whenever there are key updates (that may not require an actual "s...
Kate W about 4 years ago in Slack 2 Likely to implement

Apply "customise terminology" consistently - not just in some places

"Custom terminology" states "you can customize the terminology that is used in Aha! to match the language your team uses" but this isn't true. Customised terminology is NOT applied in many areas of Aha! including Capacity planning. We don't use th...
Andrew Sharpe over 1 year ago in Application 3 Likely to implement

Slack to Aha Integration - Include a description in the Feature or Idea submission

For users sending an idea or feature to Aha! from Slack it would be helpful to be able to optionally include a description from Slack instead of having to open Aha! to add it. The button link that opens the idea or feature is nice, but the ability...
Sarah Grzybowski about 6 years ago in Slack 2 Likely to implement

Customise Aha! to Slack output

When, for example, an idea is created within aha! and the integration alerts a slack channel of this entry, it would be good to be able to customise the output of that notification and remove unwanted fields.
Guest about 3 years ago in Slack 2 Likely to implement