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Perform calculations on list views

On the various list views in Aha! there should be a calculate option that would allow users to perform math operations across the rows on the list. Example: Feature Score in column 1 and Feature capacity estimate in column 2. This enhancement woul...
Danny Archer over 7 years ago in Reports 1 Shipped

Option not to send releases to Rally

We need an option to send a feature to Rally without creating a release. In our present workflow, Releases are created and managed in Rally. We would like to be able to send a feature to Rally, ideally populating a “PM request” field in Rally with...
John Brickell about 8 years ago in Rally 5 Shipped

Ability to disable email notification replies being added as comments

Aha! send’s an email notification to the Portal Users that created an idea when it’s status is changed, which is Great! If a user replies to the email notification, their reply is added as a public comment on the idea. (which is stated in the emai...
Tyson Kretschmer over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Shipped

Feature order in Features Roadmap view

When viewing the Features Roadmap, it would be nice if the features within a release were displayed in the same order as they are on the Features Board and Features Details views. It looks like they're sorted by status THEN feature rank in the Roa...
Bryan Crist over 8 years ago in Features 6 Shipped

Prioritize epics within initiative

When viewing the details of an initiative (or master feature), it would be helpful to see the child-master features (or features) sorted by priority order rather than alphabetical order. That way, the child records wouldn't necessarily have to be ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Epic 0 Shipped


We use your Ideas feature. It is published insider our product, which requires a login. Yet, 99% of the "ideas" we receive are SPAM. The vast majority of those are for various prescription drugs. You need to improve your ability to automatically f...
Guest over 2 years ago in Ideas 2 Shipped

Send notification to Owner & Watcher if flagged for Delivery Risk

In addition to the display and reporting for delivery risks, can you send a notification to the Owner and Watcher of a Release, Epic, or Feature that is flagged (manually or automatically) as a delivery risk? It would be best if these were sent ou...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Shipped

Salesforce integration: roll up Ideas from Opportunities to Accounts

Our Customer Success team would like to quickly find all the Ideas associated with a Customer, but we really like to map Ideas to Opportunities, so we can keep the granularity of what they needed the feature for; and what was the outcome. So it wo...
Daniel Hirschberg almost 9 years ago in Salesforce 6 Shipped

Send Feature or Requirement URL To Rally

Opening a feature request to send a feature or requirement URL to Rally. This request will be useful for customers who want to trace a feature or user story from Rally To Aha! Today Aha! populates a field tracing to rally, we need to trace the w...
Christine Habib about 8 years ago in Features 2 Shipped

Stop Product Hierarchy from collapsing after each edit in Product Configuration (Account Settings > Account > Customizations > Configure Products)

After editing the product configuration the product hierarchy always collapses to the top level. This is very inefficient when multiple things need to be changed. Ideally the product hierarchy structure stays exactly at the same level after the ed...
Markus Gujer over 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped