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Showing 1375

Feature Dependency based on Feature Status

When one of the feature is dependent on another feature, it will be great have a check on the status of each of the features so that the Dependent Feature should not be moved in "Commit" state before its corresponding dependencies are satisfied. R...
Guest over 7 years ago in Dependencies / Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Diagram View hierarchy to show Top down how company goals link to product Line & product goals/initiatives

The diagram view does not provide a view of how for Example of the goals cascade down from company level to product line - product goals and the specific initiatives that will be delivering to those. You can see the company goals listed at the sam...
Samit Patel over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement

Add JIRA link (integrations) and progress fields to feature roadmap

We use the feature roadmap report (exported via the Confluence plugin) as a way to share to other users within our company an internal roadmap for various products. What we are missing is the ability to add additional fields to these reports such ...
Roman Hernandez about 5 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Unlikely to implement

Integrate Aha! with Whimsical

Some teams use Whimsical as a document repository, similar to how Confluence is utilized in many organizations. We would like an integration with Whimiscal to share Aha information with our engineering teams.
Veronica Melin over 2 years ago in Integrations 0 Unlikely to implement

Alexa skill to interact with releases and product strategy

The idea would be to interact with our high level roadmap of releases by asking simple questions to the Amazon Echo like : - Alexa, what is the state of our [Product Name] release [Release Name]? -- The answer could be: There are 5 features [ready...
Jean-Francois Potvin over 7 years ago in Releases 1 Unlikely to implement

Allow Workspace Owners to Manage their own Ideas Portals

Right now ideas portals can only be created and managed by admins. Workspace owners cannot create an ideas portal or manage the portal for their workspace. As a workspace owner I should at least be able to create and manage ideas portals that are ...
Jacob Papka over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Allow Portal Users to Control the Number of Ideas Displayed Per Screen

Add a drop down selector that allows each portal user to control the number of ideas that are displayed on each screen in the Ideas Portal. The system should remember the last option selected by the user for the active session.
Guest about 10 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Unlikely to implement

Make it possible to connect to-do's with activities in calendar view

I find it very helpful to keep track of my to-do's in the calendar view but when I want to add a new to-do there is no way of connecting it to an already existing activity. In order to do so, I need to go back to Initiatives which is a hassle. I w...
Guest about 5 years ago in Calendar / To-dos 1 Unlikely to implement

Add REST API to modify paid seats and simplify account provisioning

I do create reviewer and product owner users in automatically via the REST API. If I create a product owner and this exceeds the current available paid seats I get an exception. It should be possible to read the amount of available paid sea...
Guest over 7 years ago in Account settings / API 0 Unlikely to implement

Swimlane Support in a List Report

I am trying to create a list of information that is coming from several products out of several product lines. The list allows me to neatly show all of the information that I need to show, however, the first column is listing the Product Line and ...
Guest about 5 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement