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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Dependencies Features
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 28, 2017

Feature Dependency based on Feature Status

When one of the feature is dependent on another feature, it will be great have a check on the status of each of the features so that the Dependent Feature should not be moved in "Commit" state before its corresponding dependencies are satisfied.


Pre-Requisite: Create Feature 1 and Feature 2 both of them have the status as "Under Consideration", make Feature 1 Dependent ON Feature 2.

Action: Feature 1 Moved to status "Commit"

Output: Error should be flagged as Feature 1 is dependent on Feature 2 and Feature 2 is still "Under Consideration". As long as  Feature 2 is one or more than one step behind Feature 1 in the workflow of  Feature Status, the Error should be flagged. 

    Jun 29, 2017

    Thank you for your idea. Currently the status of the linked records is shown within the feature drawer and detail views. This provides guidance for how to proceed with the dependent feature but also leaves flexibility for handling unique cases.

    At this time, we do not have plans for updates in this area in the short term but we hope that the current information provided in the feature detail can be helpful to you.

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