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Display the Initiative timeframe value in more dropdowns

Similar to how the Initiatives display with their respective timeframe in the picklist under "Rollup to product line Initiative", it'd be good to have the same behavior when selecting an initiative in the Initiative field on a Feature or Master Fe...
Guest over 5 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Pivot tables - align to top of cell

The ability to align text to the top or bottom of a cell. Currently it's only aligned to the middle.
Tomer almost 4 years ago in Reports 1 Future consideration

Add filter for "Used In" to workflow and status screen

Numerous workflows make navigating and finding the correct workflow challenging. Add a filter to this screen so that the user can specify the workspace(s) for whose workflows should be displayed for easier management
Keith Davenport over 2 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Default workspace name filter in integration updates screen

In order to limit the information displayed in the integration updates screen to be more relevant, set the workspace name filter to default to the workspace chosen in the application rather than defaulting to show all
Keith Davenport over 2 years ago in Integrations 0 Future consideration

To Show year only once along the axis in a bar chart when we represent data by year and month

currently when we use year field in a bar chart it gets displayed for all the month bars along the axis, it will be looking good if it displays only once (grouped for all months) along the axis.
Guest over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Free y-axis from data sets

So plotting something by a date series works great. However you can not plot more than one thing against a date series at the same time. you always have to select a set of data for the y-axis. this is a real weakness in your chart offering, it mak...
Mike Lowery over 1 year ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Remove description field from overview layout

You can remove the description field from a custom layout but the field remains in the overview so it shows as "description blank" Please add an option to remove the description field from the overview layout.
Guest over 2 years ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Goal with status category "Will not do" should not appear as a selectable Goal for any record

When a Goal is "abandoned", the out-of-box Goal workflow has a status for that, using the "Will not do" status category. The benefit of this behavior is that the history is viewable and reportable. However, a Goal with a status category "Will not ...
Guest over 5 years ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Team-specific scorecard guidance

Multiple teams use the same scorecard. Our teams have different criteria for each metric, so the metric description that is available for guidance is not specific enough. We would like to include a link for the records that we score to point to mo...
Sameera Daudi over 1 year ago in  0 Future consideration

Add a 'Viewed' button to 'Idea's with vote's' area

Why is it useful? This is useful because we monitor the ideas so we do not end up with hundreds of ideas in this queue for an unlimited amount of time. So I know if everyone that is a stakeholder has at least viewed the idea. Who would benefit fro...
Karla Johnson over 1 year ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration