Features board > Improve visibility of active filters and provide a way to clear all
I have a lot of filters on the features board, and I spend more time than I'd care to admit staring at them trying to figure out which ones are 'in use' and actively filtering cards on the board. It'd be really helpful to visually indicate which f...
Todd Meyer
over 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
Capacity planning for teams - provide utilization per feature for reporting
The capacity report for teams shows the utilization for all features assigned to a team for a month. To see the utilization per feature, I need to filter the capacity report to one feature at a time. It would be helpful to see the utilization per ...
Craig Pflumm
over 4 years ago
Future consideration
Currently 99% of our teams work business days and to-dos are being created with a target date during the weekend. This is causing employees to log in during the weekend thinking this is what is expected which is causing an issue.
Ray Devenney
about 3 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
When setting up new workspaces most settings can be inherited from the Product Line, but for some reason Workflow Syncing is an exception. So please make whether Requirements can drive Feature workflow and whether Features can drive Epic workflow ...
Jor Bratko
over 2 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
It would be great to be able to create a set of requirements that are associated with a Product or Product Line. These product (line) requirements could be referenced by features in a one to many relationship. For Example, there may be a company w...
over 9 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Possibility to use one field multiple times in filters (e.g. Start Date of a feature)
Ability to use the same field in filtering multiple times is necessary for this scenario: “Start date is greater than last month OR Start date IS NULL?” When do I use this? When I need to show features from release that were either started during ...
Daniel Pokrývka
over 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Ability to roll up Initiatives to multiple parent initiatives
We need to be able to roll up initiatives to multiple products. Right now, when you link to a product or product line, you are only allowed one link. Based on how we need to roll up and generate reports, there was no workaround that would do the t...
Chris Waters
over 9 years ago
Unlikely to implement
Change default visibility of ideas submitted via Slack
I recently installed the Slack integration. When one of our team members submits an idea via Slack, it shows up in our Aha dashboard but not on the associated portal page. As of right now, I believe I'd have to change the visibility of each new id...
over 6 years ago
in Ideas / Slack
Future consideration
Show comments added in JIRA as part of a state transition.
Currently, when a comment is add to a JIRA issue as part of a state transition, the comment is not shown in AHA.
This is a real issue for us since the Engineering team adds useful comments in JIRA when they move an issue between states. This means...
Michael Buonassisi
over 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
I would like to propose visualization of dependencies between features and also between master features on a story map. We have technological enablers that are part of master features and we would like to show dependencies intra and in between the...
Daniel Pokrývka
over 5 years ago
in Features
Future consideration