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Log all changes to feature rank

I see that when I add a feature to a release that it's rank gets updated and logged as part of the history of the feature. However, if I already have 5 items in a release, and I make this new item #1, only the new item shows a history of it's feat...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Additional time fields for customizing record cards

I would like to be able to have the option to add the original estimate, remaining estimate, and logged time fields to my feature and master feature cards (just like how I can pull them into a pivot table). It is helpful to see the original estima...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Epic 1 Already exists

business cases capturing and comparison using infographics

Summary: it would be great if I could enter business case details for a product/service in Aha in a visual way and then have the ability to pick and compare the cases/products on one page. As a Product Manager/Owner I want to create/capture busi...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Strategy 0 Already exists

Disable specific pages if not in main menu

We’ve got users landing on pages that have been disabled on their main menu when they navigate between workspaces. This causes some issues when rolling out Aha widely as an ‘intuitive’ self serviceable tool. An example is: Going to a workspace def...
William Wang almost 3 years ago in Application 0 Future consideration

Use record colours in custom roadmaps

We can use Customize Style to change the colours of bars in Custom Roadmaps, but this requires us to individually set the colour for each item. This is painful when you have multiple roadmap reports and are trying to keep things consistent. In my ...
Ryan Bishop almost 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Option to disable "open in a new window" icon while integrating Aha roadmaps in Confluence

While integrating AHA Roadmaps on Confluence - . Options (icons) at the bottom is provided for the same Roadmap to open in new window and to open in Aha (see screen...
Olympia Dsouza almost 3 years ago in Ideas 0 Future consideration

Make Notes, available as a relationship custom field

We use notes to capture information related to the EPIC. While there are other custom fields that can be added natively to an EPICS's layout Notes is not one. The only way I've seen to attach a NOTE to an EPIC is making it RELATED. The issue with ...
Eugene Peters almost 3 years ago in Epic / Notes 0 Future consideration

Auto Renew Webhooks

Annoying maintenance task of updating expired webhooks that keep making systems out of sync and we end up using VSTS as the source of truth rather than Aha!
Guest almost 3 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

To Do feature: Ability to notify a non-license user of a To-Do via email

Ability to give visibility to colleagues that are not in the tool but need to be aware of a "To Do" owned by a licensed user. Copy the Title/Description/Due Date and send to an entered email address. Helps products managers notify extended stakeho...
Guest almost 9 years ago in To-dos 1 Unlikely to implement

Multi-select in report filters (by custom field)

Hi, In the Report screen in the filter area, I can filter by my custom field (which is a Tag) and click through the list of values to add them to the fiter. I would like to be able to quickly select all values of quickly select more values. E.g. I...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Reports 0 Unlikely to implement